Hair Care Routine - Products for natural curly hair ♥ *HOT TOT*

Hey everyone, I figured that I'd post a quick update on my hair care routine since I've been asked by many people what I do with Xo's hair!
Now that she's older and her hair is growing like CRAZY, I had to find better routines and techniques to keep it up as it is very high maintenance. Xochitl is super tender headed - actually it isn't even like tender headed, more like dramatic so she cries whenever you even look at her hair HAHA. I found this product called Hot Tot and it's has worked wonders in her hair, keeping it soft and nice as well as keeping the style that I've done in place. The product that I mainly use in her hair by Hot Tot is their Sweet Pea Curl Cream to keep her natural curls in place without drying them out or anything + adding to the curl definition.

I only wash her hair once every other day or otherwise it'll dry out. I use this product everyday though as a moisturizer for it. I brush or comb her hair out, add this sweet pea cream, applying it by running my fingers through her hair and then style it. It's really easy to use (if the hair is detangled)
So that's pretty much it as my main care product, I'll make a whole new routine post soon for how I wash it and protective hair styling.
You can buy this very soon and I'll post the link to the store below soon where you can buy it for §15.00!

Any hair care tips that you want to share with others? Comment below as usual ☻♥



  1. My daughters have very thick and course hair, so will the product work for them? It gets tangled ALOT, and they naturally have kinky hair.

  2. Yes absolutely, that's one of the main things that I love about this product.. it works on any type of hair! From thin fine hair to the thickest of hair ♥

  3. Thanks for the reply. I also wanted to know if the product is only meant for a certain age group? My daughters are seven and a half.
